Kids & Pets

Family sponsorships

Many people here suffer from poverty. The absence of tourists during Covid-19 and the current economic crisis has worsened the situation for all locals. Of course, some of them are real animal lovers who are unable to provide for their dogs or cats. This situation has led us to place dogs from our shelter with animal-loving people and at the same time two sponsors. One sponsor supports the family with 12,00EUR/month, as “care money” per animal and one sponsor takes over the food costs, also 15,00EUR/month. We hand over the care money and the food every month and check that the animals are doing well. Our hope is that family sponsorships will increase the appreciation for dogs and cats and that we can create new places for emergency cases in our animal shelter.

We are currently looking after 2 adoptive families who have taken in a total of 7 dogs.

We are currently looking after 7 sponsored families and 2 more families are waiting for sponsorships. We visit the families regularly.

You are also welcome to take a look at our latest project, the
sponsorships for people with disabilities. Or take out a sponsorship using the form below and set up a standing order.

Set up a sponsorship

+ Now quickly set up the account standing order or activate it via Paypal ... DONE!

Conny’s Mensch&Tierhilfe gUG
DE09 4306 0967 1275 5460 00

Thank you very much for your support.
You can already look forward to the pictures of your protégé, which will soon be on their way to you.

One more small request: if you have to stop supporting us, for whatever reason, or even just for a short time, please contact our team.

Thank you once again!