We need

Feed sponsors!

We currently feed 180 dogs a day at the shelter, 19 cats & 9 dogs at the small shelter and around 60 dogs on the street.
We would be delighted if you could sponsor food for one of the animals. Each animal is vaccinated and neutered promptly and often needs medical treatment. If you choose an all-round care package for 30EUR per month, this also covers the medical costs for your sponsored animal.
Would you like to become a sponsor? Simply fill in the form below and set up a standing order with your bank or via Paypal.

You will receive photos and information about your sponsored animal by e-mail at least twice a year.

Set up a sponsorship

+ Now quickly set up the account standing order or activate it via Paypal ... DONE!

Conny’s Mensch&Tierhilfe gUG
DE09 4306 0967 1275 5460 00

Thank you very much for your support.
You can already look forward to the pictures of your protégé, which will soon be on their way to you.

One more small request: if you have to stop supporting us, for whatever reason, or even just for a short time, please contact our team.

Thank you once again!